Program Sales

Television programming is no longer only shows to buy spots in with all the content coming from a few programmers.

In today's multi channel, multi media universe, the audiences are everywhere. You can use television in a multitude of ways to your advantage. From sponsored series to one of a kind specials, the content of the shows are available for use as part of your marketing efforts. You are no longer confined to the commercials alone!

Television progamming also causes "buzz;" spin off events and publicity to even further extend the power of television.

Granite Springs is here to harness this power for you. We have placed the following shows:

101 Cars You Must Drive - This hilarious series is now on in Primetime on Speed.  It stars Last Comic Standing winner Alonzo Bodden and features the cars that have had the greatest impact on the automotive world -- good and bad.  Watch for it Monday nights at 9 PM ET.

Off Road A to Z - 13x30 on Versus; a comprehensive look at all there is to know abouot this great sport and pastime.

The American MuscleCar Presents - This is a s
eries of 6x60 documentaries on topics specifically suited to particular sponsors on Speed Channel.

The American MuscleCar - 
This show has been one of Speed Channel's most popular shows of all time, garnering ratings in whatever time slot it airs. 

USDDC Network - This program features North America's best high school cheer squads airs on Fox Sports Net.
Last StingRay - This series on Speed featured the story of the last great car of the muscle car ear: '67 Corvette SringRay.  It was found restored, and auctioned to a new owner.

Television can entertain, inform, and be used by you as part of your marketing plan as never before.

Please contact us so we may put the power of television to work for you.